About Biz Plans

AZ Biz Plans has created a simplified solution that empowers everyday business owners to create the detailed plans required by lenders. We have created a user-friendly series of produce or product questionnaires, and the information submitted is automatically translated into a finished business plan. Edit and download the business plan as needed and submit to lenders to launch your start-up or expand your farm or MSME.

Creating your user profile is free, and you can save your plan at any time along the way. When you sign back in your dashboard alerts you to any missing information. Edit as you like and download once you’ve finished. It only takes a few hours to complete!

We also work with lenders to create region, industry, and niche-specific business plan templates and product questionnaires to ensure clients and applicants submit plans that deliver the information you require to move forward with their application.

Finally, we can work with you as a business support organization providing strategic business essentials. In everything we do our goal is to help boost the local economy!


An intuitive interface everyday people can use with ease


Simple produce or business questionnaire


Translates answers into a finished business plan


Edit the final plan to suit your individual needs

Our Process

Accelerating access to the funding required to expand and export!


Lender Partnerships

We partner with banks and lenders to create customized templates. You can refer applicants to us to help streamline the application process.


Produce/Product Questionnaire

Provide answers you already know about your farm or business to be instantly translated into a comprehensive business plan.


Edit & Download

You can save plans to your free AZ BizPlan profile to complete at your leisure. Edit as you wish before downloading and submitting to your bank, investor, or with your business application.

The AZ BizPlan Team

We are dedicated to seeing your business succeed