
Privacy Policy

Last updated: September 3, 2020

The security of your information is of the utmost importance to us and we understand that by using the A-Z BizPlans Platform you are providing information that may be confidential. Our Privacy Policy is designed to protect both you and your information.

Data Sharing

AZ BizPlans will never share or sell your data, unless this is requested by you.

How Long We Keep Your Data

AZ BizPlans stores your data in our encrypted database where it will be kept until you delete your account. You will have access you your plans as long as you have a profile with us. If you want to delete your account at any time, log into your account, go to ‘Manage My Account’ and click ‘Delete Profile’. In accordance with GDPR, all your data and user activity including business plans, images and profile data will be erased from the system. This will be permanent and once your profile is deleted, data cannot be recovered.

What Your Data Is Used For

We only collect data that you provide during the course of writing your business plans on AZ BizPlans’s business planning platform ("AZ BizPlans"). We do not otherwise collect any personal or business data about you. The data you provide is used to automatically generate a business plan, which you may download at any time after purchase by logging into your account.

Data Portability

Once you purchase and complete a plan, it will be stored in your profile. You may retrieve your data at any time by logging into your account and downloading your business plans in Word and Excel format. We do not provide any other method to export your data. You may edit your data at any time by logging into your account and editing your business plans directly.


By creating an account with AZ BizPlans, you are automatically enrolled in AZ BizPlans's communication outreach services from which you may opt-out at any time by clicking the 'Unsubscribe" link found in the footer of all communications. These services include email communications, newsletter distribution and other services AZ BizPlans employs to disseminate information to members. In so doing, you may prevent us from notifying you of legal notices regarding our services. You are responsible for reviewing all legal notices via our Privacy Policy and Terms service pages for any changes.


AZ Biz Plans stores information when you interact with our services. We employ the use of cookies, which are identifiers that we transfer to your computer to enable our systems to recognize your browser and tell us how and when pages in our site are visited. When you are using your account and creating a business plan etc, the cookie is used to verify that it is you and keep your session active. Cookies enable you to access our features.

Data Breaches

We will notify you promptly if we experience any type of data breach.

Legal Compliance

When necessary to comply with the law, protect our rights, or protect our users or employee’s safety, AZ BizPlans may release your personal information when required to do so, including for fraud protection.

By visiting the www.azbizplans.com website or using any of our services, you acknowledge that you accept AZ BizPlans's policies. We may amend our policies from time-to-time. For questions, contact us.